離2011年還有353天. 'hot-pot'就是我們熟知的火鍋, 'shabu-shabu' 就是我們常說的涮涮鍋, 另外有還有'fondu', 就是近幾年才流行的起司鍋或巧克力鍋. 這三種鍋, 我接受 'hot-pot' 和 'shabu-shabu'=P~, 至於 'fondu' 就比較難習慣了.:( @};- %%-2010/01/12 There are 354 days till 2011. It’s chilly outside and a ‘shabu-shabu’ or ‘hot-pot’ season too. :)>- What's the difference between hot-port and shabu-shabu? They are basically the same in many ways. Shabu- shabu is made with a beef stock or chicken stock flavored with various things, and they will cook the thin sliced meats like the Chinese hot pots in the broth. The ingredient – vegetable, tofu, fish and seafood – is the same; and both have dipping sauce to add more flavors. =P~ @};-