The clock just struck one as they jummped in a tud,
But therr men were sitting there , rud-a-dub dub—
A butcher, a baker, a candle man ,too.
So they hid in a wall . What else could they do?
The wall soon attracted the king 's horses and men,
For it seemed that an egg had exploded just then.
So she called for her children and gathered them up,
Then fearfully led them to a china teacup.
When Little Miss Muffet tried taking a sip,
The old woman grew peevish and tickled her lip.
The girl dropped the teacup and ran for the door,
While the mother transporthe her children onee more.
The family then settled inside a torn glove.
Still the children did nothing but push , yell , and shove.
When twenty-for blackbirds arrived seeking shelter,
She instructhd her children to run helter-skelter.
They discovered a bowl that was empty at least.
But then King Cole grabbed it, preparing to feast.
The family escaped from that terrible house
And sought further refuge, invading a blouse.
The blouse was then seized by the good Queen of Hearts,
Who slipped it on quickly to start making tarts.
So the family slid down the seam of her sleeve
And into a jar,but would you believe......