It the shoe Fit
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children,she didn't know what to do.
She gave them some broth without any bread,
Then took them to live in a new home instead.
She left the old shoe to reside in a hat,
Which she shortly discovered they shared with a cat.
The cat played a fiddle from morning to night,
And then danced with a spoon till they all fled in fright.
The woman then moved to a warm woolen coat,
But all of that lint sorely tickled her throat.
When Little Jack Horner stopped in for some pie,
She decided to give a new haven a try.
She huddled her chidren inside a green sock.
Which someone had thoughtrully hung ftom a clock.
But a hickory-mouse scurried through,
And she fled with her broth and her family,too.