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 牡羊 的日記本
收到一份貼心的禮物 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 讓愛沒有遺憾
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篇名: 寫信關心一下
作者: 牡羊 日期: 2010.08.23  天氣:  心情:
剛才給Newsweek寫了一封信去, 大家要不要也寫呢?

起因: Newsweek發起了一個"選擇世界上最好的國家"問卷, 台灣不在裏面啦!

唉喲~寫信去勸說一下, 台灣怎麼可以不在裏面呢? 你說我們是國家也好, 不是國家也好, 台灣不能不是選項. 反正我是覺得這樣啦. 所以, 信寫的好不好不管啦, 台灣人拿起筆寫了再說.



Dear Sir:

I know your magazine is creating a theme report of “ to choice the best countries in the world”, the reason why I write to you is:  I spend almost whole my youth age in Taiwan, and I am also a honorable reader of Newsweek, but why I can’t find the related on that between? It is makes me such lost and upset.

I have been visit United State already over 50 times, with my Taiwan passport. Most of my American friends feel interesting and respect Taiwanese people peacefully goes well in the past difficult 15 years, I wonder that if Taiwan is not a country, why and how Taiwanese people be able to show their faith to the law and our love to the world.

Many of my people works in China, including myself, we love China too, even we are so different, but we came from same old history, even share same food taste, Inside of two parts people’s mind, many of us hope to keep GREY area in this stage, why? Because we don’t have answer yet to many questions, we believe that we should “allow things go slow when it need to be smooth” -by Confucius

Looking forward into the future, Taiwan need more fare, respect, and friendly attention, personally, I hope we will have main power from the world through you (Newsweek), oh yes! we really need your kindly assistance.

At last, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, my friend, Taiwan won’t let world down, so please help me God.

瀏覽次數:207    人氣指數:3207    累積鼓勵:150
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收到一份貼心的禮物 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 讓愛沒有遺憾
時間:2010-10-16 12:42
他, 99歲,亞洲其他,經商
時間:2010-09-14 22:02
她, 57歲,台北市,其他
時間:2010-09-11 22:12
她, 99歲,台北市,政府機關
時間:2010-09-11 12:19
他, 53歲,台南市,製造/供應商
時間:2010-09-06 18:37
她, 92歲,亞洲其他,其他
時間:2010-09-06 11:49
她, 62歲,台北市,家管
時間:2010-09-05 20:05
她, 92歲,亞洲其他,其他
時間:2010-08-24 18:00
她, 50歲,台北市,教育研究
時間:2010-08-23 20:36
她, 62歲,台北市,家管
時間:2010-08-23 20:13
她, 44歲,亞洲其他,其他
